Money isn’t the most important thing…

Money can often create tension in relationships, especially when one partner comes from a wealthier background than the other. Darren found himself in this very predicament shortly after his marriage, and the financial disparity between his family and his wife’s soon triggered feelings of discomfort, embarrassment, and eventually, anger.
Seeking advice, Darren explained his situation:
“My wife’s family is extremely wealthy, while I’m just an ordinary guy living paycheck to paycheck. For our wedding, her father generously paid for everything, which I appreciated. But things took a turn when we boarded the plane for our honeymoon. I was shocked to discover that my wife had a first-class ticket, while mine was in economy. When I asked her about it, she just shrugged and said, ‘Yeah, I know. It sucks, but Dad says he’s not your personal bank.’
I was furious. I couldn’t believe she didn’t understand how insulting this was, so I left the plane in frustration. A few hours later, her father called me, angry. He said, ‘I gave you a dream wedding and honeymoon without asking you for a cent. Is this how you repay me, by disrespecting my daughter?’ He added, ‘My daughter is used to a certain lifestyle, and I’ll keep providing for her, but I’m not going to support you!’ Hearing that only made me angrier.
I told him I wouldn’t be treated like I was beneath them just because I don’t come from money, and I hung up on him. My wife called, trying to convince me to catch a later flight and join her, but I refused. She ended up returning home to try and sort things out with me.
Now I’m wondering—did I overreact?”